Buffalo Auto Accident Lawyer

Auto Accident Lawyer Buffalo

If you are injured in an automobile accident, or your loved one lost their life as the result of a negligent driver, you must contact a Buffalo auto accident lawyer right here at Ramos & Ramos. We are here to discuss your accident and determine the best path forward. Contact us today to learn more about auto accidents in New York State and how we can help if you’ve been hurt in one.

Buffalo Auto Accident Lawyer | Helping Auto Accident Victims in NYS

Every year, the number of automobile accidents across the United States increases. Due to the steady increase over the past five years, we are now seeing over six million crashes per year. Car accidents can happen at any moment and have a serious impact on the lives of those involved. Unfortunately, the majority of accidents result in bodily injury or death. Not only do car accidents result in physical pain and damages, but there are also financial and emotional consequences for injury victims and their families.

If you were involved in a traffic accident that was caused by another driver, you might be entitled to compensation for damages and injuries you sustained. A Buffalo, New York personal injury attorney here at Ramos & Ramos will help you obtain the compensation you deserve.

Auto Accident Cases We Handle

Here at Ramos & Ramos, we handle various auto accident cases on behalf of our wrongfully injured clients, including the following:

Common Injuries Sustained in Auto Accidents

Individuals who are involved in automobile accidents can sustain virtually any type of injury. Some injuries are minor, whereas others are catastrophic, or even fatal. Some of the most common injuries for victims of automobile accidents include:

  • Head/Brain Injuries: Head injuries can be traumatic both physically and mentally. Individuals who suffer a concussion or a traumatic brain injury (TBI) often suffer from memory loss, or vision and hearing problems. A TBI can be life-threatening if they are not addressed immediately and can cause permanent brain damage. Quite often, individuals who suffer from a TBI or other head injury suffer from anxiety or depression and severe headaches.
  • Neck Injuries: Neck injuries can occur from whiplash or neck strains, but can also include cervical dislocation or damage to cervical discs. These injuries can cause serious and continual pain for victims and can severely impact day-to-day functions.
  • Back Injuries: Individuals who are involved in accidents often suffer back injuries that can be painful and debilitating. Some types of injuries include strains, herniated discs, or even fractured vertebrae in the lower back. Suffering from back injuries can impact a person’s ability to lift, stoop, or bend, drastically limiting what they can do.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: Spinal cord injuries are some of the most traumatic injuries car accident victims sustain. These injuries can occur when displaced bone fragments, ligaments, or disc material tear into or bruise the spinal cord. These injuries can destroy nerve functions between the brain and body, and often result in either temporary or permanent paralysis. Spinal cord injuries can be life-changing for victims.
  • Internal Injuries: Quite often, accident victims sustain internal injuries that require immediate medical attention. Internal injuries occur due to the impact of a collision. Quite often, car accident victims sustain injuries to their kidneys, spleen, heart, bowels, or liver. They can also suffer from broken or fractured ribs which can puncture the lungs or other organs.
  • Facial Injuries: Car accident victims are at an increased risk of sustaining serious facial injuries. These injuries can lead to permanent damage and scarring. Facial injuries are usually caused by the head striking the steering wheel, airbag, dashboard, side mirrors, windshield, or other parts of the vehicle. When windows or mirrors break, individuals can sustain deep lacerations from the broken glass.
  • Broken Bones: Broken arms, legs, fingers, and ribs are some of the most common injuries in car accidents. These breaks can be minor, or they can be open fractures with severe bleeding. These injuries are extremely painful and debilitating for victims.

Recovering Compensation After an Auto Accident

Individuals who are injured in an accident caused by another driver’s negligence may recover compensation for their injuries and the damages they sustained as a result of the crash. There are several factors to be taken into consideration in determining the value of damages that an injury victim can receive. Quite often, the number of injuries and the severity of injuries play a large role in determining compensation awards, as does partial liability. Some of the most common types of compensation awarded in automobile accidents include:

  • Medical Expenses: Broken arms, legs, fingers, and ribs are some of the most common injuries in car accidents. These breaks can be minor, or they can be open fractures with severe bleeding. These injuries are extremely painful and debilitating for victims.
  • Lost Wages: Lost wages include all the wages lost as a result of tending to injuries sustained in the automobile accident. Compensation for lost wages can include time off immediately after the accident, as well as days missed from work due to follow-up appointments. In cases where major injuries occur, individuals may be forced out of work for several months or permanently. Where individuals are no longer able to work, injured claimants can request compensation for all future earnings they would expect to earn throughout their lifetime.
  • Property Damage: Individuals who are injured in automobile accidents can recover compensation for their damages or totaled vehicles. They may be able to recover compensation for other personal property that was with them at the time of the accident as well.
  • Pain And Suffering: Sustaining injuries in automobile accidents can be overwhelming. Individuals who are injured in automobile accidents can recover compensation for both mental and physical pain and suffering due to their accidents.

To recover the maximum amount of compensation you are entitled to, you must hire an experienced automobile accident attorney as soon as possible. At Ramos & Ramos, we work diligently to help injured parties obtain the best possible outcome for their case. We have more than 25 years of personal injury law experience and have successfully represented New York residents who have been injured in an accident that was no fault of their own. Call us today to speak with one of our skilled and compassionate lawyers about your accident.

What Is A “No-Fault” Automobile Accident?

In New York, no-fault insurance coverage is available to drivers, regardless of who is at fault for the automobile accident. This type of insurance provides compensation for lost wages, medical supplies, and reimbursement for some household duties injured parties are unable to perform.

To recover compensation under a no-fault insurance policy, thorough documentation from a medical provider must confirm the injuries sustained. Unfortunately, most no-fault insurance policies will not pay out over $50,000 to injured claimants. Working with an experienced Buffalo auto accident lawyer will ensure you recover the maximum amount of compensation in instances where no-fault insurance coverage is reachable.

Why Hire An Automobile Accident Lawyer?

If you are ever injured in an automobile accident, it is imperative to contact a car accident attorney as soon as possible to protect your legal rights to compensation and to get the justice you deserve and are entitled to. New York State laws provide very short periods in which claimants can file to recover compensation for their injuries and damages. Working with an attorney will ensure claims are filed within the statute of limitations to protect your legal right.

The legal team at Ramos & Ramos is well aware that insurance companies often seek out injured parties to offer minimal settlements in an attempt to avoid legal proceedings in the future. Although these immediate payouts may seem tempting, they can severely limit your ability to recover adequate compensation for your damages at a later time. If you have not yet retained legal counsel, you must refrain from signing any legal documents as this can have a major impact on your ability to recover compensation that accurately reflects the damages you sustained.

Automobile accident attorneys help clients deal with the aftermath of their accidents. We work hard to protect your legal rights, so you can focus on your recovery without worry. Our attorneys at Ramos & Ramos are highly trained in the practice of New York automobile accidents. We will work on your behalf to negotiate fair and full settlements that reflect your best interest.

Contact a Buffalo Auto Accident Lawyer

If you or someone that you love has been injured in a car accident that resulted because of the negligent actions of another driver, you have rights. Call the law firm of Ramos & Ramos today to speak with one of our skilled and highly trained lawyers about your injuries and accident to see if you have the ability to file a personal injury claim. Do not hesitate to contact Ramos & Ramos online, or call us to schedule a free consultation at 716-810-6140.

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