Joshua I. Ramos

Joshua I. Ramos

After obtaining his undergraduate degree from the University at Buffalo, he then studied at Florida A&M University where he received his Juris Doctor and graduated Magna Cum Laude. Joshua is admitted to practice in both New York and Florida. He spent time in the Public Defender’s office defending indigent clients where he developed a passion for protecting the rights of those who are charged.

After opening up his own law office in New York, Joshua developed a personal injury practice and has gained key experiences in prosecuting claims for the injured. He has made a habit of making sure his clients get the medical treatment they deserve. With Joshua’s history defending charges related to vehicular offenses, he has proven to be an invaluable asset in aiding those who were injured in vehicular accidents.

Josh is currently a member of the Florida Bar, New York State Bar Association, New York State Defender’s Association, the Erie County Bar Association, and the Trial Lawyer’s Association.

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