Buffalo Truck Accident Lawyer

Truck Accident Lawyer Buffalo

Thousands of semi-trucks make their way across New York State daily, carrying goods and products to businesses and homes everywhere. These vehicles often maneuver around busy city streets and highways, often with drivers who have little or no special training, putting the lives of other drivers at risk. The massive size of an 18-wheeler makes truck accidents more likely to result in serious, life-threatening injuries or death, and if you’ve been wrongfully hurt in a truck accident, you need an experienced Buffalo truck accident lawyer on your side. Contact Ramos & Ramos to learn about how we can help you today.

Do I Need a Buffalo Truck Accident Lawyer?

Truck accident cases can be extremely complex due to issues with liability and insurance complications. Sometimes, trucks and the trailers they haul have two different insurance policies, which further complicate the entire legal process.

If you or someone you love is involved in an accident with an 18-wheeler or another large commercial vehicle, you will need the assistance of an experienced Buffalo auto accident lawyer who can guide you through the complex legal system as you file your claim. At Ramos & Ramos, we have decades of experience successfully representing New York residents who’ve been injured in commercial vehicle accidents, and we will work diligently to help you recover the compensation you deserve.

Common Causes Of Truck Accidents

Truck accidents in Buffalo can happen for many reasons. Quite often, they are caused by negligent truck drivers or trucking companies. Even the smallest distraction can cause a serious problem with catastrophic results. Some of the most common causes of semi-truck accidents include:

  • Driver Fatigue
  • Failure to follow safety guidelines
  • Overloading of trailer
  • Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Aggressive driving
  • Driving too fast for the weather
  • Problems on the roadway
  • Driving in unfamiliar areas
  • Too frequent of traffic control devices or crosswalks
  • Inadequate surveillance
  • Traffic flow problems
  • Faulty brakes

Improperly securing loads on the back of semi-trucks and negligent maintenance of 18-wheelers are some other common causes of truck accidents across New York State. Call Ramos & Ramos as soon as possible if you or your loved one has been injured in an accident with an 18-wheeler. It is crucial for you to contact a truck accident lawyer as soon as you are able. You may be entitled to recover compensation for damages you sustained.

Excessive Speeds And Aggressive Driving

Numerous truck drivers are paid to meet tight, near impossible, deadlines. For this reason, many truck drivers will drive at excessive speeds to make it on time to deliver their goods. Unfortunately, their negligence to obey the law often results in accidents, causing other drivers to suffer severe injuries.

At Ramos & Ramos, we help injured New York state drivers recover compensation for their injuries and damages sustained in their accident. Some cases involving aggressive driving include:

  • Instances where truck drivers are unable to stop to avoid accidents
  • Instances where truck drivers are going at too high of a rate of speed for weather conditions
  • Instances where truck drivers lose control of their vehicles and jackknife into other vehicles
  • Truck drivers who lose control of their vehicles while speeding

Due to the major size difference in 18-wheelers, victims of truck drivers often sustain serious injuries or death. When an accident is caused by speeding or negligence, the chance of suffering a serious injury is increased immensely.

Brake failure can make a speeding truck even more dangerous for others around them. If you were injured in an accident with an 18-wheeler, make that call to Ramos & Ramos as soon as possible to get started on your case.

Overloaded Trucks

Overloaded or unbalanced trucks can wreak havoc on roadways. It is imperative for trucks to be properly loaded and secured while they are transporting goods. Having too much weight can throw the balance off a truck or cause items to fall onto the roadway and injure drivers in other vehicles.

Holding the truck driver, truck company or loading company accountable for their negligence is a critical part of recovering compensation and justice for our injuries.

Driver Fatigue

Quite often, truck drivers are paid by the mile. They may even be paid by the speed at which they can transport goods from one location to another. In some cases, the more loads they deliver in a day, the better they are paid. Although government regulations control the number of hours a truck driver can spend on the roadway at a time, they may not always follow laws and regulations. Instead, they spend long hours behind the wheel. This can result in them suffering from driver fatigue, which can cause them to lose focus and attention to the road ahead.

Truck driver fatigue is always considered in truck accident investigations. This type of investigation often requires an analysis of truck driver logs, records, and data from tracking devices. Working with an experienced lawyer from Ramos & Ramos can guarantee you recover the maximum amount of compensation for injuries sustained due to driver fatigue. When necessary, we will hire a reconstruction expert to provide critical details in support of your claim.

Trucking Company Negligence

In New York, truck accidents can occur due to various factors. Negligent driving mistakes, or violations, place the lives of everyone on the roadway at risk. Truck companies are responsible for hiring and trainer their drivers, inspecting vehicles, and performing other tasks and duties necessary to ensure the safety of others on the road.

When companies fail to act responsibly, they can be held liable for resulting accidents. Truck companies have to meet regulations that pertain to the licensing and hiring practices and qualifications of drivers. Hiring inexperienced or unqualified drivers can place others’ lives at risk.

If you were involved in an accident with an 18-wheeler that occurred due to the negligent practices of the trucking company, it is crucial to hire a truck accident lawyer to represent you in your claim. We have decades of experience successfully handling these complex types of claims in New York and we can help you too. You may be entitled to recover compensation for damages you sustained in the accident so call us today to speak with an attorney about your truck accident.

Contact a Buffalo Truck Accident Lawyer

We understand that truck accident victims are suffering mentally, physically, and financially. We work hard on behalf of our clients to protect their legal rights to compensation so they can focus on their recovery. We never ask for any money upfront from our clients. Instead, we collect our share for fees once the case is settled. Contact Ramos & Ramos today to schedule your free initial consultation with our legal team.

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